
If I was a CPA and the information I skimmed to get here was interesting enough to get me here, I'd be in no real rush to "figure this out". It really is that much different...

  1. We offer Education in a way that is very different from what you got when you started learning accounting.

  2. We offer a Software solution that really is that much different from anything you've used so far, but in fact it's far more straight forward. It's just logical data management with some very clever, open source keyboard work that enables you to follow the flow of money from the journals to the G/L to the Income Statement and Balance Sheet with nothing hidden

  3. We have created a totally different kind of commercial system to share this to eliminates barriers to entry on a global basis. We're basing this on donations and self-regulated licensing and we'll just keep funding it ourselves until the healthy money rivers flow.

You aren't 5 minutes away from figuring anything out.

  • You are a few hours away from getting a really good grasp on the full picture of what we are doing, how we are doing it and what we have to offer.

  • Sit down with your favorite drink and approach this as if it was a Continuing Education Course.

  • Pretend there will be a simple exam at the end that ensures you don't skip any of the pieces below.'

  • Each page has important information on it that helps paint the picture.

  • You will NOT complete this in one sitting. Most won't complete it in two, but many will be damn glad they found it.

TIP: Best to do this with two monitors. Have this site open in one monitor and https://www.zap-accounting-software.com open in another and you'll be ready to get going....

Chapter 1 - The Orientation Menu - An overview of our offerings and Introduction to the 6 Box Model

  1. Home Page / Orientation Menu > Step 1 - I'd read the home page of the website. The home page doubles as step 1 of the Orientation Menu as well.

  2. Orientation Menu > Step 2 - I'd I'd read several of the Step 2 options to see how they differ, and I might read all of them.

  3. Orientation Menu > Step 3 - The top portion is just a website orientation. Skim that. The bottom contains a small section about the developers background that might be interesting.

  4. Orientation Menu > Step 4 - This is a very important page . Study the 6 Box model. The 6 Box model represents the key to understanding all our offerings. It is also the key to breaking a complex concept of Accounting into more digestible pieces both in understanding software options and for teaching accounting in general.

Chapter 2 - The Orientation Menu with a focus on the Bookkeeping Module

  1. Orientation Menu > Bookkeeping Module Intro - After a fun introduction you will get to a section which asks what's of most interest to you. 1) Bookkeeping and Accounting Software 2) Bookkeeping, Accounting and Financial Literacy 3) Spreadsheet and Database Literacy 4) Cloud Computing Literacy. With our solution a user learns about all of this simultaneously.

  2. Orientation Menu > Intro Videos > Bookkeeping Template - This page contains 12 introductory videos that range from 2 to 8 minutes long. They should be exceptional for figuring out what the software is and how it works. There are then two videos 10 minutes long that discuss the purpose and process of bookkeeping. ~~ Near the bottom there is a 5 minute video which shows the full process of downloading transactions from a bank, bringing them into the software, entering statement data, reconciling that data and categorizing transactions. ~~

  3. Orientation Menu > Testimonials > For the Bookkeeping Module - These are as real as it gets and very helpful for most to realize the level of clarity some got who were very familiar with Quickbooks., and the level of clarity others who had used Quicken and some who were new to Bookkeeping got as well. It's a powerhouse solution that has been tested enough to prove its worth.

  4. Orientation Menu > FAQs - These may not be what you'd expect. These aren't just about the Bookkeeping module or the Software. These are about all the offerings on the website an the entirely new paradigm as a whole. Some may view this as rambling. It has a purpose. Skim it or read it as you wish.

Chapter 3 - The Education Menu (the Educational Half)

  1. Education Menu > Subdomains for Ed - We offer 7 subdomains for a linear education process for those who want to use them. You can just skim the page with the links to see what those are. At some point later you might want to dig into some of them. You should be able to realize how we've created curriculum for you and others to use for classes and seminars as desired.

  2. Education Menu > Books and Pamphlets - We offer over 500 pages of reading with cliff notes for our own work. Top Shelf Reading includes 1) Bookkeeping and Accounting Facts and Myths (21 pages) 2) Small Business Accounting Best Practices and Accounting Vocabulary (57 pages) and 3) The "cliff notes" for the Bookkeepers Secrets Series (17 pages) . The Bookkeepers Secrets Series is broken into 6 Books with doznes of sub-books. Check out each section to see what's offerred.

  3. Education Menu > Visuals - We use visuals throughout the website and the text materials. This page represents an index for the visuals to find some easier when you need them.

Chapter4 - The Education Menu (the Inspirational Half)

  1. Education Menu > Empowerment > Our Empowerment Series of subdomains are designed for marketing and inspiration. Many people who need bookkeeping and many people who may be able to benefit from this from and educational or commercial way need to be told in an emotional way about what's here and what can be done when Businesses have their own best interest in mind first and foremost. Open up a few. See how you like them. Be sure to check out our Empowerment-4-CPAs website. It won't be for everyone but it should really resonate for some of you.

  2. Education Menu > Reimagination Series > Our new paper clip is really damn unique. These subdomains are designed to convey that as a whole and in parts and compartments. The Balance Sheet and Income Statement Subdomains are really good to review. You can also see how we can build these out for marketing purposes with a very long list of niche industries to cater too.

Chapter 5 - Software Menu

  1. Software Menu > Software Intro > It's a one page read. Most should be familiar to you from the other readings but make sure there's nothing new.

  2. Software Menu >Via the 6 Box Model > That 6 Box Model comes in very handy now for separating our templated options. Expand each box secton at the bottom to see the templates offered and or those that might be coming. The Legal Billing Template is a complex one.

  3. Software Menu > Box 5 > Bookkeeping Module > You can get here via the 6 Box Model page or via the menu itself. This is what we call a "Software Template Landing Page" This is where you get the software and this is where you access all the various support subdomains for the Bookkeeping module. NOTE The bookkeeping module is the only module fully built out with support at this time. Furthermore, many of the other modules will only be posted with templates and some basic written instructions. The download and setup for each is similar to the Bookkeeping Module, so everyone can learn a lot of basics with that and then we'll just provide minor details for the others. We have an affiliate site called "Jim's Software" that will be going into a lot more detail with videos and support for some of the complex Sales Modules (Box 1 modules).

  4. Software Menu > Other > Accounting Master File > Take a look at this. This makes for a nice template for storing data and organization for most small businesses.

  5. Software Menu > Other > DIY1 Unbound Script Project > This is where you access the Unbound Google Script project for enhanced file functionality.

Chapter 6 - Contribute Menu

We have been fully self funded. We own nothing to anyone and this materially will never be sold. It belongs to the public. You can help us by spreading the word. You can also help us with direct donations. You can also help us with self -regulated licensing suggestions for those you bring on board and those you teach. Please give regularly and/or appropriately so we can continue to do the same.

Chapter 7 - For CPAs Menu

We assume you started there. If not, review it.

Chapter 8 - More > Certification Program

We are considering a Certification Program. Everything you are reading now would be a pre-requisite to entering the program. If you want to give money to support our work and you'd enjoy something in return, please consider our Certification Program.

Chapter 9 - More > {The rest of the pages}

Skim the about and contact pages to wrap up the rest of your orientation process.

If you got this far, congratulations.
That means we are resonating, and we look forward to working with you.